
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Gatsby Chapter 2 Notes

Nick goes to a place he is not used to.
Nick sees more of Tom that he didn't expect.
We notice that Tom likes to drink and cheates on his wife.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Gatsby Remix

Nick- a guy who admires Gatsby. He goes to college and moves to New York.
Daisy- Nicks cousin who married a rich guy
Gatsby- a person who Nick looks up to. I dont really know about him yet.

Chapter 1 has just mostly been about Nick and how he grew up and how his cousin is living.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Gatsby notes 2

This part of the chapter had more words that i didn't understand.
It showed the exact opposite of how the narrators life was.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Gatsby Notes 1

Theres a quote in the story that really came out at me. "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the same advantages that you've had"
This is a good quote for people of this generation because there is a lot of judgement.
Another thing i noticed is that there is a lot of imagery in this story.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Remix Project

By Joel Lee

The naturalist in us all
Burying the deepest it only resides
Realism forever more
Whether or not... everything only ties

We can never be who we are
Because everyday we are all trying to
Minds and time never on par
Why is there a certainty we always see?

How do we apply what we want?
In every other country deem foreign
Are there laws never knowing we can run?
Are there enough differences we never really care to learn?

There is no naturalism in what we do
Because what we have done did not just come by
The kind of hardship we know but never knew until
What we do was earned and not for reasons why

We are all products of how natural we can't be
Dare I say naturalism are those without minds...
You do know we all have freedom without freedom to be free
Because the world will never tell you but remind…


By Gladis Garcia & Edgar Garcia

We are naturalists in our own and unique way
We hide our deepest secrets, but never go away
We can only change how we deal with them
Our past always has a way of coming back to haunt us

People can’t always be who they want because of society
Our thoughts aren't always right
There is always some kind of assurance we see

How do we choose between what we want and what we need?
Others do it in their own way
Sometimes we feel pressured to make the right decision
But we never look back and see, there are others in the same position

There is naturalism in things we do because it is about reputation
Lying to ourselves can make us suffer
The things we do are for a reason and not everyone will understand

We have all once felt like we need to be perfect
When we hear the word Naturalism we feel the urge to feel perfect
We all have freedom but choose to not use it
Everyone will tell you, it’s your decision to listen or not….

Monday, January 16, 2017

Everything is a Remix

You can remix just about anything and upload it to the internet. A remix is when you combine things that already exist. To create something new you need domain knowledge and copying.  People have also created somethings by using transformation.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


I believe that we can consider music as literature because they tell a story and they also have a meaning that only some people may understand. There is not much difference in literature. The difference between a novel, a poem, a rap, a song, an opera, and a sympathy is how they are seen. Music is usually seen in videos and poems and novel are usually seen on a screen, on paper, or in a book. But other than that there really is no difference.